How to disable answer choices with JS | XM Community
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In my survey, a MC question has ten answer options each containing a short video. I want people to watch the videos one by one, and then select one video. To facilitate this interaction and to make sure they really watch the video, I would like to disable an answer option (i.e. grey out and make unclickable) until its video has been watched. I already have code in JS that registers when the video has been watched, but how do I disable and enable answer options?
I have seen posts on how to hide answer choices, but that is not what I am going for here. Thanks in advance.

Add the disabled attribute to the choice's input element (radio or checkbox). In jQuery if "input" is the jQuery object containing the element:

Thanks Tom.
I haven't done much in jQuery yet in Qualtrics but it seems time to dive into it. Would you know of any overview of the Qualtrics survey elements/attributes that you can manipulate with jQuery?

Steven - You can manipulate any element on a page with jQuery.

Below is the code to Disable selection for Single select (Radio button), For Multi select (Check box), For Text entry (text)

1. jQuery("input[type='radio']").prop("disabled",true); 

2. jQuery("inputttype='checkbox']").prop("disabled",true); 

3. jQuery("inpututype='text']").prop("disabled",true); 

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