How to loop and merge based on responses from multiple questions? | XM Community
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I am building a peer evaluation survey.

1. Select Team (suppose- Team cola, Team Dell)

2. Select Name (name1 + name2 - team cola, name3 + name 4 - team Dell)

The next survey questions need to be iterated for team members excluding the person taking the survey.

Team Cola + name 1 taking the survey.

So, I had a to create a separate block for each team, and loop and merge the questions based on team members.

Is there a way to iterate based on 2 responses (Team + Name). (Iterate on name1+name2 when team 1 is selected)

Thanks for your help.
You could use a MC question (hidden with JavaScript) with all the names for all teams as choices, then add display logic to each name. Loop based on the displayed choices in the hidden MC question.

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