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I am a paid user in a K-12 setting who has had issues with SSO for the community. A teacher and I want to use Qualtrics as a way to create "Mad Libs." Students fill out a form asking for nouns, verbs, adverbs, plural nouns, adjectives, etc....and those words are "fed" into a storyline. Any crazy ideas out there that would help us?
Hey @lisarisch! We are so sorry you experienced issues logging in to the community! I will reach out to your privately!
I would put an opening question of the Text-Entry Form type. Here is where all the verbs and nouns and things would be entered.

On the following page I would add a Descriptive Text question. Paste in your story here, and then put Piped Text referring to the previous page answers in place of the blanks. You can read up on Piped Text in the support pages.
Piped text is best way, pipe respondent entered answers in the descriptive text type question .
Awesome idea! Thanks - I'll give it a try. I've only used piped text for email triggers, so I'll be learning something new. Much appreciated!

> @lisarisch said:

> Awesome idea! Thanks - I'll give it a try. I've only used piped text for email triggers, so I'll be learning something new. Much appreciated!

> Lisa

Hello @lisarisch ,

Use question type Form to get multiple answer in single question


You can use Loop and Merge to ask as many nouns, verbs, adverbs, plural nouns, adjectives, etc.... as you want.

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