Multiple logics at once | XM Community
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I'm currently block 1,500 participants who participated the previous similar study, using their participant's ID.
When I tried to use custom validation
e.g., "If [pid] is Not EQUAL to [their 1,500 PID]" then pass

However, to do that I need to copy and paste 1500 times
e.g., "If [pid] is Not EQUAL to [1st PID number]" AND "If [pid] is Not EQUAL to [2nd PID number]" AND ... AND "If [pid] is Not EQUAL to [1500th PID number]" .

Is there any possible way to do it easily?

Put all the participant ID in a contact list external data reference and use authenticator in the survey flow. If they are authenticated then move them to end of survey with message, else continue with the survey.

rondev Thank you for your quick response. I tried to use Authenticator in the survey flow using contact list. However, I could move participants who already participated (those that I have their numbers) to end of the survey, but for new participants (those I don't have their numbers), they cannot pass the authenticator (as there is nothing that matched in the contact list). Do you know how to solve that problem?

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