Multiple Select Answers in Drop Down Box (see attachment) | XM Community
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I would appreciate some help with a question that is separated into two parts.

The first part asks a respondent to list the nicknames of his/her sexual partners over the past 12 months

The names produced are "Carry Forward" to a next question asking the respondent specific questions about each partner. I used a matrix table (please, see attachment) to organize the questions in the columns, and the names of the partners in the rows. Now, some questions (such as the type of sexual relations can have multiple answers). I can use the "Multiple Answer" column option to display these answers, but I would rather use the dropdown to save space.

I would appreciate some assistance in designing this.

thanks - PS
I don't know javascript, but there is probably some code you can write to accomplish this. That being said, the approach I would take without using js is to list all possible combinations as the answer choices. If the three choices in your example are the only options then there are 7 combinations possible and that would not be too difficult to write out.

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