Next Button | XM Community
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I am using javascript to hide the next button in a question (Q1). The code I am using is:






Following this question I have a page break. Then a new question (Q2). About 50% of the people taking the survey get stuck on Q2 because the next button remains hidden. Does anyone know what the command is to explicitly show the next button (as in the psuedocode: this.showNextButton() )?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
For anyone who ever wonders the same thing in the future: Turns out, it is in fact this.showNextButton.
Hey! Did you ever get this to work? I've tried it but it doesn't work for me. Without the line this.showNextButton, I get the same problem you had: the next button stayed hidden and I can't advance past the last question. With the line this.showNextButton, the next button is shown for all questions in the block, including the ones where it should be hidden.

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