Open a different website and then after one minute redirect the respondent back to the survey | XM Community
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(English is not my first language; please excuse any mistakes)
Hey guys,
I want to show my respondents different websites and then have them answer some questions about these websites.
My idea is: Let automatically open the website in a new tab, let the respondents surf on this website for one minute and then the new tab closes and they can continue with the survey.
Another idea would be to open the website in the same window, but after one minute it leads the respondent back to the survey.
I don’t know how to implement either of these ideas. The support told me that this would be custom code and they won’t help me.
Can you guys help me? How would you do it?

You need to open the website in an iframe tag and use timing question to autoadvance the survey to next question after 1 minute.

Thank you rondev, it works!
The only problem is, that some websites don't allow me to embedd them in my survery.
Do you have an idea, how to solve this problem? issue is called as cross domain issue, and unfortunately this is not in our control.

But thank you anyway😊

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