Pairwise combinations of pictures | XM Community
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Hi! We have 40 pictures divided into to groups ( A and B ). We would like to randomly combine one picture from group A with one picture from group B until all possible combinations have occurred or until say 10 random "pairs" have occurred. This can be done through the merge & loop function with image urls. But there's a twist...

Is it possible to prevent the same picture from showing? So that picture A1 only is displayed once throughout the survey, but the picture it's being showed with is random... Likewise picture B1 would only be shown once, until all the pictures have been displayed (but in a random order, and in random pairs).

Thanks in advance

Instead of using the solution in this post:

You'll need more control over the selection of pairs, so you'll need to use a web service similar to the process described in this post:

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