Play audio files stored in Qualtrics library in loop and merge question | XM Community
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I am using a form field color-picker question so respondents can choose colors they associate with given sounds. I have uploaded all of the sounds in individual .wav files to my library, but I am unsure how to reference them in a loop and merge question. I want respondents to listen to all the audio files three times, but in a randomized order, which I think the loop and merge function would achieve. Thanks in advance!

You can either use them as choices in your dummy question (hidden) and then pipe them as the question text in loop & merge question or do the same in survey flow → randomize the choices stored in variables → pipe the variable name and randomize to use it all → use them in your survey.

Thank you for your guidance. How would I go about piping them into loop and merge so that they would play as soon as the respondent would open the question? I would need the sound to play.

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