Rounding with embedded data | XM Community
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I am looking to found my embedded data. The math operations page on demonstrates how to round however the embedded data I have is a little more complex and I am not sure the best way to go about it. For example, I am looking to round these two equations:

1) $e{ ( gr://SC_dcgV2AGJADLqTxX/Score / 10 ) * 100 }

2) $e{ 51.21609 + 13.93883 * ( -3.674347 + 0.435572 * gr://SC_85De1QTo9S7Yy9f/Score + -0.018692 * gr://SC_85De1QTo9S7Yy9f/Score ^ 2 + 0.000314 * gr://SC_85De1QTo9S7Yy9f/Score ^ 3 ) }

If anyone has any tips on how to round these two equations that would be great!

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