Scrolling Fixed Pane in Rank Order Quesion | XM Community
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I have a rank-order question with 20 items in it. I am asking participants to rank-order the 20 items by similarity to a reference design at the top of the page (in the question text). The issue I am having is that they cannot see the reference design and the designs at the bottom of the list at the same time due to the length of the list. Is there a way to make a "frozen pane" with the question text and have the 20 ranking items in a scrolling list underneath in order to see the reference design at all times?
Hello @MauroUsabilitySci ,

Paste the following in the js(onReady) of the Rank Order Question

`jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionBody").css({"overflow-y":"scroll","height":"250px"});`
Thank you @Shashi ! This was exactly what I was looking for!
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @MauroUsabilitySci ,


> Paste the following in the js(onReady) of the Rank Order Question


> `jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionBody").css({"overflow-y":"scroll","height":"250px"});`


@Shashi, is there a way to add to this js to make the scroll-bar visible at all times? Currently, it is hidden until you actually start scrolling.

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