Text entry - form: adding unique static text following text entry box | XM Community
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I would like to add static text following a form field indicating the units of measurement so one form for feet and one form for inches. I am able to add static text following one form field using the code below, however I am not sure how to add different text for the second form field.

Is it possible to do this so that my form fields read [text entry] feet and [text entry inches] horizontally?

Thank you for your help!


/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/

var inputs = $(this.getQuestionContainer()).select('input[type="text"]');

for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {

var input = inputs[i];

$(input).insert({after: ' feet'});


Hello @ewolf103 ,

Use the below code

var inputs = $(this.getQuestionContainer()).select('input[type="text"]');

var input = inputs[0];

$(input).insert({after: ' feet'});

var input = inputs[1];

$(input).insert({after: ' inches'});
Hi Shashi,

Thank you very much!


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