Two question on the same screen | XM Community
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Hi all.

I wish to create a page which on the left side the participant can see a scroll down text (descriptive question) and on the left side, he sees a randomly changing image. is it possible to create such a page with the survey tool?

Thank you,

Hello @David1980 ,

Using cutom code in Rich content editor -> "<>" source view we can design such question using HTML, CSS.
And you can use Loop & Merge with URLs of your images to get your changing image.
Hi @David1980 ,

With addition to above two answers:

Add following code in HTML view of your question and change accordingly

<div style="float:right;width:50%;background-color:blue;overflow:auto;">

<img src="">


<div style="float:left;width:50%;background-color:red;height: 290px;overflow:scroll;">Text on leftText on leftText o<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>

Text on left<br>


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