Using Cleave.js in One Field of a Form Field | XM Community
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I have a form field survey question with seven fields, and I need only the last field to be displayed as currency. It seems like cleave.js is a great option for this; I have tested it out and it works great. However, it's showing up only on the first field in the form field question, and I need it to only be on the last one.
I know I need to refer to the specific field somehow but I'm still new to JavaScript so I'm not sure what to do.
Below is what I have added to the JavaScript of the question:
new Cleave('.InputText', {
numeral: true,
prefix: '$'
What do I need to add or change so that it is only used on the last field of the form question?

Try this:
var lastInput = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText:last").get(0);
new Cleave(lastInput, {
numeral: true,
prefix: '$'

TomG That worked, thank you so much! that case, please accept the answer.

I realize this is a year old convo, but I’m looking for a custom code solution for automatically showing commas and decimals inside the a single text entry box for a currency question.

I’m a complete coding as much as I could on Cleave.js and tried multiple codes including this one and wasn’t able to get it to work.

I was trying to figure this one out for my purpose, but obviously I’m missing something. Any help would be appreciated,

var cleave = new Cleave('.input-element', {
numeral: true,
numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand'

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