Rolling Custom Metrics? | XM Community
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We're in the process of setting up a Vocalize Dashboard to report our headline measures from a number of surveys. The key measure we report for each business is a 3 month rolling NPS which, for the most part, are calculated as a weighted sum between 2 surveys.

i.e. Survey 1 (NPS * 75%) + Survey 2 (NPS * 25%).

Getting this to work in Custom Metrics is easily done, but we need to try and work in some 3 month rolling metric into this. i.e.

For January to date perform this calc Survey 1 (NPS * 75%) + Survey 2 (NPS * 25%) for the timeframe of November, December and January to date.


Once we get to February, perform this calc Survey 1 (NPS * 75%) + Survey 2 (NPS * 25%) for November, December and January. Once we move in to March, perform the calc for December, January and February, and so on.

I'm aware you can do either of the above by filtering the metric or table in question by date to show these results in isolation, but we want to be able to a trend table, showing 3mth custom metric data, every month. Has anyone been able to do this with Custom Metrics? Failing that, is there any other way to achieve this as to pull through to a Vocalize dashboard, using embedded data or something similar?
in custom metric, while adding calculation you can apply filters of month.
I can (and have) set a time constraint on the metric to show the last 3 months which is fine. What we want to be able to do is to show a trend table of these results. The same way you can use a rolling metric in a simple table or graph to show a building set of results. Showing these 3 month weighted results in isolation is one thing, but we want to be able to trend these month to month.

I've edited the original post to include this detail, thanks.
you have to every time change filter on customer metric i.e every month (i.e a manual work every month). Or in month variable recode them to month1, month2, month3... this also you have to change every month.
I assumed this was the only way to do it currently, just wondered if anyone had a solution that would allow this to tick over every month automatically. We'll potentially have a few reports that would require manual intervention every month if this is the only solution.

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