Sort Embedded Field in Vocalize Table | XM Community
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I have a simple table in Vocalize with a list of questions in the rows and averages showing in four different columns (for four different semesters). The "Semester" is an embedded field. Right now the columns are automatically sorting alphabetically so it goes Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2017, Summer 2018. I need these to be in chronological order but I cannot figure out how to do a custom sort...any suggestions?
I have tried to there is no option to move labels up and down in simple table if labels are coming from one variable.It arrange alphabetically. If you change your labels like Semester 1 2017,Semester 2 2017, Semester 1 2018, Semester 2 2018. It can solve problem.
@bansalpeeyush29 I did try to number them in the labels, but it still didn't work for me. I'm mostly confused because I have the exact same table in a different dashboard and the semesters are in the correct chronological order. I thought maybe this was happening because I created a bar graph first then altered it to a I tried that, but it also did not work. If I could copy the page from one dashboard to another it would be perfect!
You mean when you are coping your widget that is simple table to any other page it is appearing perfect.
@bansalpeeyush29 I created the same widget with the same data in a different dashboard (for a different audience) and it came out correctly. But I don't know what I did differently to make that happen.
When you edit widget, can you check if you are able to toggle column labels up and down.
@bansalpeeyush29 I cannot in the table--only in the graphs

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