Can Qualtrics 360 be rolled out for more than 15k+ employees? | XM Community

Can Qualtrics 360 be rolled out for more than 15k+ employees?

  • 25 August 2021
  • 5 replies

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Hello Experts,
Our public-sector client is looking for support to evaluate the feedback culture in their organisation AND wants to process high volumes of 360 assessments in both English and French for their 15K+ workforce, can Qualtrics 360 surveys cater to this kind of a large scale 360 evaluations? Are there any limitations or best practices that we should be aware of in terms of such large rollouts of 360 surveys? What could be potential timeline for such a large scale implementation?
Looking forward to your support.


Best answer by AdamK12 25 August 2021, 15:46

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Userlevel 7
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Hi, Manjista -- this is a great question and as a public sector insight generator/analytics lead/CX and EX advocate, I love to see use cases like this in the public sector space. A few things you may want to think about at first are:
Scale: you should be able to gather data from a workforce of that size, and use Stats IQ (the built-in statistical package) and Vocalize (the dashboard application) to analyze and visualize your data and insights. You can also use the web data connector to populate a Tableau workbook, which works very well, particularly for large data sets that you want to refresh regularly.
Governance: with an employee population that large, it's useful to think before you start of who your audience is (both who will act on the data, and who will receive it for their own insight). This should help you design both the survey and the reporting.
You'll also want to think about your strategy for messaging about your surveys; is the employee population used to answering questions about their work environment, or less comfortable with it? Depending on the situation, you will want to frame the surveys so that it's clear to employees that the surveys are confidential and "safe" to reply to -- in other words, they will not be held accountable or penalized for their answers.
Language: you can translate your surveys into multiple languages. Qualtrics operates based on the browser cookie, so it will assign the correct translation based on the browser. Qualtrics will translate surveys using Google Translate, but it's best practice to have someone with native or near-native language proficiency review the translated questionnaire to make sure it is idiomatically and grammatically correct.
The actual rollout time depends on your organization's internal processes for information security, survey approvals, and training--as well as the response rate you are able to receive from your employee population. In our organization, we had a fairly centralized rollout and it was about three months from the day we started on implementation to the day we launched our first survey, and then another month or two to gather enough data to analyze and interpret in a relevant way.
I hope this is helpful--and happy to continue the thread here or offline to discuss further!

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AdamK12 - Hi Adam, I really appreciate the kind of detailed insights that you have given to my post, this really helps me in building my initial scoping, definitely I will be in touch with you in coming days, right now I am just trying to understand if qualtrics 360 can handle surveys for such large number of user bases, and also what could be a standard implementation timeline which I believe I got a fair idea from your response.
Just few more queries ,

  1. What was the size of your organisation?

  2. Did you rollout 360 surveys in particular, what was the number of users for 360 surveys?

  3. Can you let me know what do you mean when you say Tableau workbook and how does it work in terms of 360 surveys? Is this a mandatory activity or a nice to have functionality? Are there additional licences required for tableau and web connectors?

  4. What do you mean by a centralised rollout?

You may give an approx figure for the first two questions.

Userlevel 7
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Manjista I'm glad to hear it! Let me answer your questions in turn:
Our organization is between 1,500 and 2,000 people, so smaller than yours but big enough that scale and governance are useful things to think about as the program grows.
We rolled out a heavily edited version of one of the 360 surveys around telework. This was because in the U.S. Federal environment, there are specific rules and standards about what questions can be asked of Federal employees and contractors -- you may find a similar situation with your client, so it is best to have your client review the questions to assess whether those can be asked.
A Tableau workbook is a file created using the Tableau data visualization application. You can learn more at It is possible to export data from Qualtrics into Tableau to analyze there. This is not a mandatory tool, but gives one access to visualization tools that are not available in Qualtrics. It also allows you to combine your data to other data sources. There are additional licenses required, which will vary based on location and the type of capability that's desired, so I will defer to them on pricing.
By "centralized rollout" I mean that my team in the IT division managed the initial development of site intercepts, survey content, and analysis. As our use cases and utilization have grown from fewer than 10 unique users to more than 100, our capability has become slightly more decentralized, but my team still functions as subject matter experts and aids in deployment, analysis, and reporting where needed.
I hope this helps!

Userlevel 1
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AdamK12 - Thanks Adam, this is really helpful, will be in touch with you for more inputs as we pull on.

Userlevel 7
Badge +57

Manjista Great--glad to hear it!

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