Recode N/A response to null | XM Community
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We have a survey with several multiple choice questions that ask the respondent to give a rating of 1 through 10, but they can also select N/A if the question does not apply to them. We map these responses to a numerical field in Salesforce. The Salesforce field does need to be a numerical field so that we can generate reports/dashboards/calculations using the response data, so we cannot change those fields to text. When someone selects N/A in one of our survey questions, our mapping to Salesforce fails because the N/A response is the wrong type of data to populate the numerical field.
Is there a way to recode N/A responses to null or blank? Or alternatively, is there a way to set a condition on our mapping so that individual fields of the survey will only map to Salesforce if N/A is not selected? I know we can set conditions to determine if an entire survey response should map, but I don't see a way to set conditions for individual fields.
Thank you!

I think you can do one of two things.

  1. You can recode the values of the prompts such that N/A has a numeric recode value of 0

  2. You can select the N/A value to be excluded from analysis (basically will not get recorded; will be null/empty)

Thank you, CarolK! We ended up recoding the N/A values to 0, but they were already set to be excluded from analysis. We decided to handle things in Salesforce. The 0 values are mapping to Salesforce, and then we are setting up a flow so that when the new record saves, the 0 values will be changed to empty.

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