Salesforce integration issue with embedded data | XM Community
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I am having an issue with my Salesforce/ Qualtrics integration- I am pulling the contact ID from Salesforce (15 character string), and in my trigger workflow the ID is showing up correctly, but somehow when I view the embedded field in the data and analysis tab within my survey, the ID comes back totally different with a random CID_ appended at the front. Accordingly, my response map keeps failing because the ID does not match the format that the ID needs to be within Salesforce. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Response map error:
"message": "[{\\"message\\":\\"Contact: id value of incorrect type: CID_z2bfUhXchNETkSB\\",\\"errorCode\\":\\"MALFORMED_ID\\",\\"fields\\":[\\"qualtrics__",
"needRetry": false

My guess is you're grabbing the wrong field. CID sounds like a Qualtrics contact ID, not what you brought it from SF.

Hey there, thanks - I figured out the issue, it was that the field was named ContactID not sfContactID- it was interfering with Qualtrics back end field names.

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