Formula with Recoded Values | XM Community
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Hello community!
I am working on analysis in StatsIQ and would like to design formulas with the recoded values from my variables. But I can't see the recoded variables in the list of possible variables for formula. Any ideas?
I am also keen to include the StatsIQ outputs in the Reports. But can't seem to find a way to do this either.
Any help is very appreciated.


Hi JMaca - I wanted to hop in here ad let you know that recode values can't be used to create formulas in Stats iQ. We'd recommend creating the formula in the Data tab (where you can base a formula on Recode Values). This new formula field will then pull into Stats iQ. There is also not currently a way to include Stats iQ visualizations or output in the Reports tab. You could screenshot the output and place that screenshot in an Advanced Report if needed! If you have any follow up questions, you'll want to reach out to our wonderful Support team, as they are best equipped to help!

I have created a formula variable in the Data tab that is a sum of several recoded variables. However, I am not seeing this new variable in the Stats iQ page. I was wondering how the new formula field will "pull into Stats iQ" as you said? Is there something else I need to do after creating the new field?

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