How can I pull all distributions at once? | XM Community
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Hi guys,

I'm trying to figure out how to pull all the distributions for my survey at once. List Distribution only pulls 100 at a time and has an offset. I'd like to just pull it all at once rather than offsetting 9-10 times. Any help is much appreciated.
Are you looking to extract the distribution history, if so you can do so by going to survey distribution. Also if you have IQ directory you can pull from there.
I actually have a similar question. I have 1 transactional survey with thousands and thousands of single distributions. Is there a way to take them all out in one go?
I dont think it is possible to fetch from single distributions...
@bansalpeeyush29 this is so not fun...
Hi All! If you have not yet already, I would recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea!

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