Branching logic | XM Community
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Good afternoon, I am a Qualtrics newby so I'm not sure if the survey software has the capability I'm seeking. I would like to move a respondent to a separate block of questions based on the score they receive on the previous block of question. So if a respondent receives a score of 3 on a 2 question depression screening, I'd like to send him onto a 9 question depression screening to learn a little more. Can that be done, and if so, how?

You should be able to do this by setting an Embedded Data field to the Score value. And then using that embedded data field in the branch logic.

lraimondi This can be done using survey flow and embedded data. First you would create the survey and set up scoring as you have. In survey flow, after your first block, you would add embedded data that pulls in the score from the first block. Then you would add branch logic that would display the extra block of questions if the score was a 3.
I've attached an example. In my example, the first three questions are scored (A is the correct answer). Each correct answer is worth 1 point and if you score 3 points you'll see Q4. If you earn fewer than 3 points the survey ends.

Thank you for your answer and generosity Inessa and Jmborzick!

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