Bypassing Redirect URL when consent not given | XM Community
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Hi, I have an informed consent form redirecting to an experimental task online via Pavlovia upon completion of the consent form survey. However, I'm wondering if it's possible to bypass the end of survey redirect URL if participant's do NOT provide consent for the study. This doesn't work by just branching to End Survey, since that then initializes the Redirect URL regardless of which option participants select (i.e., consent, or don't consent) . I suppose I am looking for some sort of "kill switch" for the whole survey if participant's do not provide consent. Is there anything of this sort currently available on the survey platform? I'm not overly knowledgable in JavaScript, but am open to solutions in that realm as well. Thanks!

If consent is not given, then branch to a different end of survey element, customize this to not redirect.

Ah, easy enough! Thank you!

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