Changing piped text | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Cummunity!
I need some help with the piped Text function. There is a Gender-Question in my Survey. The answer categories are "female", "male", non binär" or "no answer". The next question is a matrix table with descriptions about people, the responder have to compare with. I want the description to be in the correct gender form, depending on the previous answer.
For example female responders should read "It is important to HER to protect the environment." Male responders should read "it is important to HIM to protect the environment." Non binary responders or responders who selected the no answer category should read "It is important to the person to protect the environment".
I guess i need the embedded data function? But how?
I would be very happy if someone could help me!

Noria - You can move the matrix question to a new block and add branch logic in survey flow to set the 'pronoun' embedded data field based on the selected gender. Then use this embedded field in the matrix question.
Below is a screenshot of how this should be set in the survey flow:

@Mishraji Thank you for your answer!
It sounds pretty easy, but still it didn`t get it... it does not work.
How do you set the embedded Data "pronoun"? Did you select it somewhere or did you create this field by yourself? i created the embedded Data "pronoun" by myself, so it looks exactly like in your screenshot (only with one branch more). and than i switched to the embedded field in the matrix question and edited the matrix question to "It is important to ${e://Field/pronoun} to protect the environment".. But in the preview version of my survey it still just says "It is important to protect the environment"
Is it sufficient to add the questions just one time right below my three branches (on the place where it says "Show Block: NextQuestion" in your screenshot)?

Noria - the next question in my screenshot represents the matrix question. The branching conditions should be present between the gender and the matrix question blocks.

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