Count participants of a survey | XM Community
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Is it possible to store a data field over different participant sessions?
Such that the first participant enlarges a counter, on survey start, and this value will be available for the next participant starting the survey after that, which again enlarges the counter, and so forth. So that only a certain maximum of participants can be allowed to start the survey?
I am aware, that there are quotas, but since we have to count participants which will get paid, and the survey takes some time to finish, chances are high that more participants are starting then we can pay, soon after publishing the anonymous link. So (just like the Qualtrics docs suggest) we can not use quotas, for restricting to a certain participants maximum, when some count is reached. Instead we have to work around that case somehow.
EmbeddedData does not seem to be an option (?). Or can we misuse the contact lists for that somehow? Or misuse external Google sheet resources in some way?
Thank you very much.

I developed this to get around quotas. It should work for your problem also.

Sorry, offering paid services is not really an answer.

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