Different end of survey message just using embedded survey link from Outlook email messsage | XM Community
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Hi! Apologies if a similar question has been asked, I've looked around without much luck.
I want to include a smiley face and unhappy face at the end of an email being sent from Outlook (not sending from Qualtrics), asking readers to respond whether they found the email content useful or not.
If they select the smiley face I want it to take them to a customised end of survey message. If they select unhappy face, it will take them to a survey question asking for further information and then after that the default EOS message.
I have set up embedded data (Sentiment) and then including ?Sentiment=happy and ?Sentiment=unhappy to the end of the survey link, then embedded each behind the relevant image in the Outlook email.
I have tried different survey flows (Branch where Sentiment = happy and adding the customised EOS message after this) but it's not working, perhaps because there are no other survey questions it can relate to and being outside of Qualtrics (email from Outlook)?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

amatthews268 When a user clicks on the link, the option is selected for them when the survey opens it does not auto advance the question which is where I believe you're getting stuck. Try adding a timing question right below the question or add a JS to auto advance on the question which should resolve your issue.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/43802#Comment_43802Thanks for the response Aanurag_QC. I ended up just rearranging the branches and it is now working. Thanks for your input.

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