Display a certain question after every 2 question blocks? | XM Community
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I'm trying to make a survey in which participants fill out several questionnaires. These questionnaires are displayed as blocks. These questionnaires (blocks) are Randomized (displayed in a random order), which basically shuffles the order in which they are given to participants.
I need to show 2 questionnaires (blocks) at random, and then insert a specific question after every 2 questionnaires. So, I need a way to Randomize all the Questionnaire blocks, count off when 2 questionnaire blocks have been completed, and then insert that one specific question after two questionnaire blocks have been completed. If you prefer visuals, see the attached diagram for a simplified illustration of the problem.
In the survey flow, I currently have metadata to track when two blocks have been completed. Basically, after every questionnaire, I add +1 to a Count metadata variable. I was planning on using this Count variable to keep track of the number of questionnaires completed, and then somehow show participants that one specific question when the Count variable hits 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. (which effectively would show them the question after every 2 questionnaires completed).
However, I cannot figure out the most efficient way to display the specific question after every 2 questionnaires. I think I could use Branch conditions, but there are nearly 100 questionnaires, and it would quickly become very unwieldy to insert Branching conditions for each questionnaire.
Do you have any thoughts on the most efficient way to display this one specific question after every 2 randomly-selected questionnaires? Ideally, the solution wouldn't involve Javascript.
RIA Qualtrics example for forum.png

The easiest way would be to break them into two even groups like (1-5 & 6-10). Randomly present two from the first group, follow it up follow up block, randomly present two blocks from last group, follow it up with the specific follow up question at the end. This might be fine since your number is so large. Otherwise you will have to use a counter variable method, but you have to duplicate that logic for every question as you describe. This is a lot of logic to implement for 100 questions, but for 10 it's not so bad.
The only other think I can think of is to include the specific question in all the blocks and then show and hide it via a counter display logic. It would end up with a bunch of questions that you would have to possibly combine afterwards, but it would allow you to see what was the previous question was for the user.

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