Displaying selected items together and individually. | XM Community
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Hello. In our survey we are asking respondents to select the subway routes they use (capped at 4 routes).
image.pngWe follow this up with a question asking them if there are any routes they would like to rate together.
image.pngWe then ask them a series of rating questions about the routes grouped together AND those they did not group together.
So, in this example, the respondent says they use Routes 1, 2, L, and M. Then they want to group 1 and 2 together for the rating section. So, we show them the rating questions and pipe in routes 1 and 2 together, then L by itself, and finally M by itself.
The ratings part is Merge and Loop, but is it possible to set up piping that will display the combined routes and then the remaining routes individually?
I'm not showing all of the routes in the screen shots. There are a total of 24 routes.
Any help is appreciated!

We can create a JS hidden question with all 24 routes as the option. These options will have display logic based on the respondent selection in the previous question. Use this JS hidden question in the loop and merge setup with 'displayed choices' option selected.

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