Does this survey flow look right? | XM Community
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We have had issues with authenticating, specifically the UserID collected on our website and tying that to our directory contact list to bring in embedded data. I've been playing around with the ordering, and wondering what the best way to arrange survey flows, or if I could be doing something wrong here.

Could anyone review and provide any tips on the right order or if this makes sense?

Your order makes sense to me in this view. Where is your breakdown happening, what isn't coming through? The web UserID?
I am curious if your first embedded data block there is being pulled in from a panel? If yes, you may be pulling the panel UserID rather than the web. Perhaps try UserID in it's own block first to try and grab from the query string rather than the panel? And make sure it's triggering back to the panel so you get consistency across the databases.

Kate - We can't figure it out - sometimes the UserID is coming through, but sometimes it isn't. And when it isn't, the embedded data doesn't come through causing issues with reporting. I shifted the questions up and now embedded data does appear to be coming through, at least in last several responses.

To provide more context, we have an UserID being pulled from web and being assigned as javascript embedded data. This is the only UserID value. This should nearly always match with the 'external reference data' in our directory, so I just can't figure out where the gap is and why the UserID is coming in undefined so often. Maybe there is something missing in how the UserID is getting passed over to Qualtrics, but strange it works like 50% of the time.

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