Hide previous choice when using back button | XM Community
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Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-17 um 16.28.38.pngHi there,
In my survey, I am using multiple hotspot questions within a block, where the choice is limited to max 1 region. To give a bit of context: I am imitating a news website, where individuals can move between different articles and sections. E.g., they are first exposed to the news section, can then select a specific article they want to read and are then forwarded to that specific article.
I enabled the back button, so people can return to the first page to select new articles they would like to read. However, when they go back, they can still see their previous choice (highlighted) and first need to deselect this previous choice, before they can make a new choice (and move to a different article, for example).
Is there any possibility to hide the previous choice without having them to deselect before they can make a new selection?
Thank you in advance.

Hi there
Easiest workaround for this is to change your question type from Hot Spot/Heat Map to Multiple choice.
Once you make it multiple choice, just make each choice type a graphic of your choice (in this case article #1, second response option being article number #2)

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