How can I enter in respondents answers on their behalf? | XM Community
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Hi, we have created a survey we've sent to clients but some have provided us the data in other formats and we'd like to enter on their behalf. I can see you can enter via a CSV but we'd ideally like to just go through the survey and manually enter in the answers (as actually easier). Is there a way one admin can do this on behalf of the participants? I think if they deliver one survey response, the survey link will no longer work for them a second time, is that right?

Hi Jess_ ,
If you are distributing unique survey links to each respondent via the Qualtrics mailer or Personalized links, you can download the Distribution History and pull the survey URL(s) for each respondent you need to complete the survey for.
If you are using Anonymous survey links, you should be able to complete the survey more than once if you use your browser's private/incognito mode.

Thank you MatthewM 👌

Can I double-check, if we do it in incognito mode, can we then answer for multiple respondents - and if so, do we need to complete the submission in one sitting (rather than be able to come back to the results and continue later)?

I haven't really tested out those scenarios thoroughly, but you should be able to complete for multiple respondents in different incognito windows open at the same time. You might be able to resume a survey as long as you leave the window open; you would not be able to close the window and pick up where you left off.

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