How can you display participants' responses for a block? | XM Community
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I am working on a survey for a second language learning experiment. In one of the blocks, I am teaching participants the grammatical feature I am investigating. In the task, participants see each time a scrambled sentence and have to rewrite it. Once they submit their response they can see the correct answer in the following slide. I would like them to see their response as well so that they see their mistake and learn from it.
How can I display their response along with the correct answer?

alioudosdiallo On the second page where you display the correct answer, you can use piped text to bring in the participant's answer from the previous question so it displays alongside the correct one. Here are the instructions for piped text from a prior question.

Hello Jmborzick,
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I did exactly what you said and it's working perfectly well! Thanks again and I wish you well.

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