How do I randomly select questions to appear in a block and have them auto advance? | XM Community
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I have a survey with several blocks of questions. One block has 20 questions and we want to only display 5 that are randomly selected so each participant sees different questions. We also want to auto-advance those 5 randomly selected questions so participants only have a short period of time to answer them (so they can’t look up the answer). This will mean each question will have to be on a new page. We have mostly figured out how to do one or the other, but are having difficulty doing randomly selecting a subset of questions and having them auto-advance. Any guidance is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

This is possible to do without using any JS and can be done with the help of Qualtrics inbuilt functionalities. 

Step 1: Move all of your questions to different blocks and add an auto advance question to each block. Please refer to this page for more information.

Step 2: Use a randomizer in the survey flow to randomly select 5 blocks. Please refer to this page for more information.

Hope this helps!!!

Thank you so much! This worked perfectly!!

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