How do I show a question on 1/25 surveys | XM Community
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Hello! I am new to Qualtrics, and have built out my first survey using some basic randomizer logic. One question in particular, however, I only want to show to 1 out of 25 surveys. Is there a way to do this? I have searched the forums and help forms and cannot find an answer, but I also do not know exactly what I am looking for. Any help is appreciated! 

Can you please clarify the meaning 1/25 survey?


Do you mean you want show 1 question out of 25?

Or you want show 1 set of questions (under block) out of 25 sets?

I am wanting to show the question on just 1 out of every 25 surveys taken, so if 100 surveys were taken, this question would only popup for 4 different survey takers. 

You could do this in the Survey Flow by creating 25 separate Embedded Data elements underneath a Randomizer at the top of the Survey Flow that is set to "Evenly Present Elements". 24 of these elements would set an Embedded Data field to "0" and the last element would set the Embedded Data field to "1". This will make it so that 1 out of every 25 respondents will have this Embedded Data field equal to 1. Then, use branching or display logic to only show questions that have this Embedded Data field equal to "1".

That worked! Thank you so much! 

You can use advance randomization under question randomization option. Put all the questions in one block. Then refer below link and proceed accordingly.


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