How-To: Automation report on daily basis to send Detractor List captured in last 24 hours | XM Community
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Hi Experts,
Business case: Is there a way to filter out just the detractors captured on a daily basis and email it to a person/group?
I understand we have response automation to push data into SFTP but need just simple email option with above filter type on it.
Response Import & Export AutomationsThanks - Naro

Hi there, 
I think what you are describing is possible with the Advanced-Reports.
You can make an Advanced Report and add a filter to it so that only information about Detractors is displayed and only for responses collected in the last 24 hours.
Then, Schedule Emails to send this filtered report to a specific email addresses. While each Scheduled Email only has a Weekly setting, you should be able to configure 7 different emails that use the Weekly setting and have them each run on a different day of the week.
Below are the pages on how to set them up:

Thanks Tom,
This seems to be a good alternative.
It's a bummer that we cannot select days (weekdays/All) into the automation and have to create 5/7 different schedules.
Thanks again for your time and help, really appreciate it. 🙏
Regards - Naro

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