How to carry forward answer of slider question in next question | XM Community
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Good evening

I have a question about how show to participants what they have previously answered in a "slider" question.
I know that in rank order questions, the code ${q://QID70/ChoiceGroup/ChoiceWithLowestValue} for instance will show to whoever takes the survey what option they ranked lowest in the question 70.
Now I need to do the same thing with the slider (participants set a slider to a certain number). The next question will irestate where each participant placed the slider (between 0-100%) as a reminder for the next question. Does anyone know what code I can use for that, so that it works?
I would be super grateful for some help.
Thanks already

flaviaalessandr If you are trying to pipe the value of a single slider (only one statement), you can use ${q://QID5/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/1} to pull the value in. If there are multiple statements, you can change the last number to refer each statement. If you have multiple statements and you want to pipe which of those statements received the highest ranking, you can use ${q://QID5/ChoiceGroup/ChoiceWithHighestValue} which will return the statement, not the value.
Remmeber to change the QID# as appropriate.

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