Is there a way to compared embedded logic to other embedded logic? | XM Community
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I am creating a survey with a 16-item inventory. The total score of the items determines which of the four groups an individual is in.
I created a scoring counter for each item and embedded data for the score. However, I cannot find a way to compare the scores to see which Group and Subgroup (so a second layer to this is to find the second-lowest score) they belong. Ideally, what I am looking for is the ability to do this:
Items: 1,5,9,13 = A
Items:2,6,10,14 = B
Items:3,7,11,15 = C
Items:4,8,12,16 = D
If A < B,C,D then Group 1, elseif B < C,D then Group 2, elseif C < D then Group 3, else D.
I want, after the survey, to tell the participant which Group and Subgroup they are in and send them an email telling them as well.
Any suggestions or help would be amazing!

Hi Resliving,
Have you tried the "Branch" element in Survey Flow? It lets you add conditions which control the behaviour of the survey. You could do something like this, with a branch for each group:
image.png(I just realised I wrote "2/5/9/13" instead of "1/5/9/13". Please ignore the 2!)

The same would probably work for subgroups (it would be a bit messy, but you could nest it within each Group branch).
As far as sending the correct email, I would recommend creating an embedded data field for "Group" and "Subgroup", and setting up the survey with a single completion email which pipes those variables in. You could set it up as a Thank You email in the survey settings:
Good luck!

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