Personal Links - Sending reminders | XM Community
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I have a question related to using Personal Links and sending reminders. At the moment we create a set of personal links and then send the invitation email using our own mail system. Then when we need to send reminders we create a new set of Personal Links (to the same contacts) and send the reminder email using our own mail system. However for the contacts who have partially-completed the survey when they click on the link in the reminder email they cannot see their previous answers. Instead Qualtrics is creating a new response from them. Can someone please provide some guidance. Is there an option that I am missing whereby when I create a second set of personal links, for the same contacts, that the new link will still pick up the previous response if there is one.

Hi wfisk ,
I don't think Qualtrics is designed to link the responses from one URL to another, even if they are in the same survey and assigned to the same contact. Creating a new set of personal links for the reminder is not necessary.
What I have done in study designs similar to yours, when it's time to send reminders, is to run the "Download history" query for the Personal Links I created for the original distribution. In that, use the Status column to identify and delete those who already completed the survey. Then you can use the records that are left in that file to send reminders the same way you sent out the original invites. Everyone will receive the same URL they were sent the first time, and those who had a survey in progress should be able to resume where they left off before.

Hi @MatthewM,
Thanks for the response and describing how you would send the reminders. And for confirming what I was thinking.
I am currently re-working my code to work this way.
Thanks again.

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