Problem with respondent image upload | XM Community
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Not sure if this is in the right category 🙂? I have set up a survey which allows participants to upload an image. However, when you exit the form without submitting i.e. to return to complete the survey at a later date. The image is deleted from the form? Is there a way to resolve this? Or will participants just have to re upload the file?
Many thanks, Alison

Hi alison_parker - it looks like you were able to reach out to our Support team about this one and they provided the following response:

The way the Save & Continue functionality works is unless the respondent navigates to a different page in the survey, the response will not be saved since closing out of the tab will not give the browser a chance to register the inputted data. However, if the respondent goes to another page before closing out of the survey, the image preview will disappear once they return as shown in the second image you have attached. 

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