What is the best way to apply custom validation on a side-by-side with carry forward statements? | XM Community
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Hi all!
I'm having some trouble applying custom validation to two text entry columns in a side-by-side question. In one column, the participant should only enter a value between 1-99 and in the second between 1-240. The statements for the questions carry forward up to 5 names from a previous question.
I used the custom validation feature where I set up a logic set for each of the possible 5 statements (each row's set separated by "AND"). Even when the correct values are entered for these questions, the error message is still shown. My first thought was that the undisplayed carry forward statements are somehow messing this up?

You need to add an 'OR empty' condition for each of your rows so it will pass validation if any of them aren't displayed.

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