When generating reports, is there a way to edit the font appearance for all text on the page quickly | XM Community
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We've got a report that has already been set up but we don't like the font. If we double-click on each question title, we can get a text editing menu that includes font options. However, it looks like we're only able to change the font on a question-by-question basis, which is very time consuming. Is there any way to select all of the questions we want to edit the formatting and make the edits in bulk?

Hello zxc,
I believe you can use the Look and Feel -Style option to change it for all at once.
Look & Feel (qualtrics.com)


When I make changes in the "Look and Feel" area, it only impacts the form itself. It does not change the look of the Reports in the "Report" menu area. (The reports show the data collected from the survey.) Is there some way to make the "Look and Feel" changes apply to the Reports?

Kindly click on Settings and change the Style/Look and Feel from there. You will be able to change for all at once.


https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47903#Comment_47903Thanks. That works. I had not noticed the little gear icon and settings menu in the report tab.

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