XML export format | XM Community
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Hi folks,
I have an XML export of a survey which I'm trying to parse and work with. The survey has one question, asked repeatedly via loop and merge, with an embedded data field different on each run through the loop.
Here's what I understand: Each response to the survey is a "Response" element under a root "Responses" element, and has child elements containing response metadata (start and end time, language, etc) and embedded data fields. It also has elements like "_1_QID22_43-1" which contain the question answers.
Here's what I don't understand: How do I find out which loop and merge run these QID elements go with? The numbering in the tag names doesn't match up with the numbering in the embedded data fields and seems to have some scheme I don't understand.

Hi wwbrannon,
I'm not familiar too with using XML exports but I believe some part of the QID tag should have a number that iterates for each loop.
I've had a quick look at a survey I am familiar with that uses a loop and I believe it is the number appended on the end that denotes the loop (eg: 1_QID22_43-1). It also looks like the first loop won't have a number appended either, so it should go something like this:

  • First loop: 1_QID22_43

  • Second loop: 1_QID22_43-1

  • Third loop: 1_QID22_43-2

  • etc

Of course if your loop is randomised, there is probably no way of telling which question was shown in what order.
Good luck!

Thanks! I ultimately dealt with it by switching to another export format.

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