ABA Design Week-Long Study | XM Community
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I was wondering if it is at all possible to conduct a week long study using Qualtrics. I'll be more specific... I want participants to complete a few surveys, wait 5-7 days, complete a "priming" task, and then take those same surveys over again. Actually, I would like to have 3 groups: all 3 groups take the initial surveys, and then 1 group is assigned a specific prime, while another group is assigned a different prime, and the last group no prime, and then have all 3 groups take the same surveys again. Is this even possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have Target Audience? This would be very simple utilizing that. Create a Mailing List with all participants, but embedded data that assigns them to 1 of 3 groups. Send the while mailing list Survey 1. Then send the primers to each sample group in 1 week.

If you do not have TA it's still possible; however you're going to need to track the groups outside of Qualtrics. Assign and

Regardless of how you distribute, I'd recommend the creation of 3 Separate Survey Projects (Survey 1, Prime 1, Prime 2, Prime 3). Create Survey 1 first, then "Copy" it 3 times for your primes. Amend the Question Number to read "Q1_Prime1", "Q2_Prime1", etc. to indicate the primer you are using. This should make the merging of the projects easier when it comes time to do the analysis.
I do not have a target audience... ideally I would want a single link as different students in my different classes would be participating.

The more I think about the logistics of this, the more difficult it seems...
you can send retake link.
A re-take link is going to write over the old responses. It's not the worst option; but you're going to have to be really careful to download responses or else you will lose data. I would not recommend utilizing the retake link.

Without TA you're just going to have to track survey respondents in an excel sheet utilizing an unique identifier of some sort. The respondent ID should work fine. Just be careful to track participation and which group they are a part of. But if you have that spreadsheet running, it should be easy to merge responses with Vlookup for analysis.

The logistics of a project like this will be hard. But it's going to be hard on any survey software. At least here, the tools _do_ exist to make it happen.
Hi all, I just wanted to jump in and point out that there are 2 types of retake links. @Kate is correct that one of the retake link types will overwrite the old response, but the other will not! You can read more about retake link options here.

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