Branching Logic using Imported Demographics | XM Community
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I am trying to use branching logic to only ask a subset of participants in a demographic category labeled "Research Group" that I have imported into the contact list. There are 6 levels/choices in that category and I would only like 4 of the 6 to be able to respond to those questions. I could ask the question and then branch, but I was hoping I could figure out a way to do this without asking the question in the survey design.
Thanks in advance!

Just create a embedded data at the start of the survey with the same name as the name of embedded data (Research Group) present in the contact list.
This will set the value of embedded data from the contact list.
Now just use this embedded data in the branch logic to ask the questions to only 4 of them out of 6.

Thank you!! Does this look correct? Thanks so much for you quick response.

Yes, the flow is correct, just move the embedded data element to the top of the survey flow and change the branch logic condition from 'Equal to' to 'contains'.

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