Can I edit or add more questions to a survey block, once a survey is in progress? | XM Community
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Hi - I'm hoping to hear from anyone who has successfully edited or created a new survey block once a survey has begun collecting responses.

Some background: I'll be deploying a survey with three question blocks, and I will be creating two different contact lists for this survey with embedded data.

The embedded data for contact list 'A' will trigger display logic that will let them see blocks 1 & 2.

The embedded data for contact list 'B' will trigger display logic allowing them to see all 3 blocks.

Here's my conundrum. My office is hiring a consultant to help us develop the questions for block 3 and they will not be ready at the time that we will be deploying the survey to contact list 'A'. So, hypothetically, I would like to go in and edit block 3, before deploying to group 'B'. The reason why were not sending two separate surveys is because we'd like all recipients to only get one survey ask, and so that we can easily analyze all responses to block 1 & 2 in Qualtrics.

Anyone successfully accomplished this?
Hi @Taylor

As for your question "Can I edit or add more questions to a survey block, once a survey is in progress?" Yes, but the response for the next questions will be empty in data and analysis mode,

Cant you delay the survey as the above empty responses is not recommended
Hello @Taylor ,

Yes you can add or edit question to a survey which is in progress. But it may lead to inconsistent as blank response will be shown for old responses.

Also there are certain limitations while editing the question see the below images:



See the Support page1 and page2
hi @Taylor

hope this link will help you.
Hello @Taylor ,

Yes, you can edit the survey in progress

hope this link helps...
@Anonymous24 Unfortunately, I can't push the survey date back for reasons outside of my control.

@Shashi & @PradeepKotian, Thank you! Not sure how I missed that page.

So, actually now that I read that page it looks like it would be easier to add new questions at the end of the survey, rather then edit placeholder questions. I think that should work for my situation.

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