Disabling responses | XM Community

Disabling responses

  • 3 June 2019
  • 1 reply

Hi, I am currently preparing my survey for content validation. I have added 2 questions below each of the main survey questions, to ask experts to rate the relevancy. I have made it clear in the instructions that the experts answering the relevancy questions do not need to respond to the actual survey questions. However, I think it would be useful if I could disable those responses so they are not able to, as there are bound to be those who attempt to!
Is there a function to do so, or has anyone carried out a similar process and can share any tips?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11
If it were me, I'd just insert a graphic that was a screenshot of the question they're supposed to rate. Then they definitely can't answer but they are able to see it.

You can hide the actual question with display logic then, too.

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