Embedded Data under a Randomiser not working | XM Community
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Hi! I need to create some dummy variables (through embedded data) which take a value of 1 if a question is displayed and 0 if it doesn't. My problem is that when the question is displayed through a randomiser (as in the picture), adding the embedded data is causing the question not to be displayed. This does not happen when the question to which I attach the embedded data is not displayed through a randomiser.

Am I doing something wrong in particular?

Thank you!!
You have to set embedded variables outside randomizer based in display logics.
> @PeeyushBansal said:

> You have to set embedded variables outside randomizer based in display logics.

Thank you @PeeyushBansal. Could you kindly explain in a bit more detail please?
In your screenshot there are 6 elements under survey flow.

Set up groups within you randomizer so one of the three groups is executed:



- Group: Normal

- - Normal Question Block

- - Normal Embedded Data Block

- Group: Free PT

- - Free PT Question Block

- - Free PT Embedded Data Block

- Group: Double PT

- - Double PT Question Block

- - Double PT Embedded Data Block


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