How do I randomize the questions in a block and then display just ONE or TWO of the questions only? | XM Community
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Hi everyone! I have a use case for the following customer satisfaction survey:

* I have a matrixed question for customers to rank their satisfaction on 5 different items. (scale 0-10)

* For items that have been rated 4 or less (dissatisfed), I'd like to display a follow-up question to probe deeper. I've created some display logic to do so, and it works so far.

* Here's the kicker: For the sake of brevity, I don't want to ask 5 different follow-up questions on all 5 items. (For example, if a respondent rates all 5 items as 4 or less, the survey would display all 5 follow-up questions. This would make the survey too long). I would like to cap the number of follow-up questions to 1 or 2 at most. Does anyone know how to do this?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
You should be able to add randomization to the block you created with the follow-up questions.

Block 1: contains your matrix with 5 attributes on a 10-point scale

Block 2:

* contains the follow-up questions for the 5 attributes with display logic on each question to only show if that attributed was rated 1-4 in the matrix

* Under block options in the Survey Edit mode click Block Options -> Question Randomization -> choose the third option "Present only __ of total questions" -> fill in 1 or 2 in the box and Save

The thing that I don't like about this solution is that if you use 2 the order the follow-up questions appear may not match the order they were asked in the matrix. Probably even less controllable if you are randomizing your matrix. So from a respondent experience you may want to choose 1 over 2 for that setting.
Thanks so much! Super helpful!

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