How do I see how many respondents are assigned (and filled in the survey) to which group? | XM Community
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Hey Guys,

I'm new here and after searching through the webpage, in which I could not really find the answer, I thought it would be more handy to ask my own question.

I'm doing a research for my Master thesis in Psychology. Now I've made a survey with different conditions (blocks in Qualtrics). The survey consists of 16 different groups (see screenshots of the beginning of the survey flow and the end).

I want to conduct a 2 (ethnic stereotypes scramble prime vs. control) x 2 (self-perceived objectivity vs. control) x 2 (time/social pressure in hiring scenario condition vs no time/ social pressure control condition) x 2 (Western vs. non-Western applicant) between-subjects design. Each of the factors will be run at two levels and all the 16 possible combinations.

I want to use ANOVA to measure the difference in cognitive dissonance in relation to organizational level, educational level and level of emotional intelligence. And a within-subjects t-tests to determine significant differences within each factor.

After collecting all the data I have to extract my results into SPSS, to do the analyses. So now I'm wondering three things.

1. How can I see in Qualtrics how many people are assigned to the groups (1 -16).

2. How do I extract the data into SPSS by keeping the responses separated per group, so I can easily compare the results with each other?

3. What do you guys think about my statical analysis plan?

I hope I made clear what I'm looking for, excuse me if my explanation is not very clear. English is not my first language.

Thanks in advance.


First, thank you for a detailed post with all the necessary screenshots! This makes Community members like me so happy! 😀

I think you can accomplish what you want by creating embedded data inside of each of your group blocks. Set it to be a distinct name for each group (Group1, Group2, Group3) inside the branch and make sure you use the options to choose 'Multi-value Text Set'.

I'm not familiar with SPSS or how the connection to Qualtrics works, but if to extract the data separated by group you can filter on the Data and Analysis tab by your embedded data groups and create separate csvs downloads for each group. You'll be able to see a count of each group when you filter, as well.

I can't answer your statistical analysis plan though: I'm no statistician.

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