How to add piped text from matrix question for all items rated "poor" or "very poor" | XM Community
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This is a pretty basic question and I searched the community but wasn't able to figure it out...
I have a matrix question and I want to follow up with an open-ended question about all the items that respondents rated "Poor" or "Very poor"
Setting up the display logic to add the follow-up question is easy, but I also want to pipe text into the question to remind respondents what things they said they didn't like, such as:
You rated your experience using the following items as "Poor" or "Very poor": [PIPED TEXT HERE FOR ALL THINGS SO RATED]
Using the piped text menu I can figure out how to insert EITHER the poor or very poor items, but not BOTH in one list. If I used 2 piped text threads then the commas get messed up.
In sum, how can I create a piped text question that lists all selected choices for two values?

Hi RickMoore - the best solution without using custom code is to list the piped text items as exampled below (selecting Poor and Very Poor). It will not eliminate the comma issue, but is the easiest out-of-the-box solution!
Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 11.03.54 AM.png

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